Sunday, April 14, 2019

I've let things slide...or more specifically, I've let this blog site slide. Perhaps it's part of my Dutch heritage ... the work ethic. I know it's not a good excuse, but it's the only one I've got. I am trapped in a mindset of getting things done - things you can measure and see. Clean this. Cook that. Grow this. Store up freezer meals, and take some meals to someone who needs them.

There's always so much to do; to take time for something frivolous (i.e. writing), seems, well, frivolous! I know it's important to log my spiritual journey. It helps me look back to where I've been, and how far I've come, or how dry my life has become. It may validate some revelations in my life. It may confirm who I am, and who I'm called to be. It may even (by God's grace) give someone else something to ponder on their journey.

I recall going on a one-day sail on a tall ship. We were in the doldrums; that is, there was no wind. We couldn't go anywhere. There wasn't a breeze anywhere to help us along. I have not been sitting motionless in the doldrums lately. God's wind has been providing me with energy for movement. He's teaching me about fruit of the Spirit, and He's teaching me about prayer. The journey is delightful! I am, for the first time in years, thoroughly enjoying sitting at His feet and learning. I am content with being taught, and being in His presence. I will enjoy it for as long as it lasts.

I know that the journey here is fraught with potholes. I know that I will struggle. But for now, I will not feel guilty about this peaceful existence. My spirit grows as the Spirit holds me in sweet comfort.

I hope to be more disciplined in sharing my journey. I hope you join me.

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