Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Different Strokes

Lest we think that our time of meditation should be modelled after someone else's, it's freeing to know that experimentation will help us find what's best in our own situation, for our own personality.

In his book, God in My Everything https://www.amazon.ca/God-My-Everything-Ancient-Rhythm/dp/0310499259, Ken Shigematsu describes his personal time with God first thing in the morning, after preparing a light breakfast. Sitting at the kitchen table, "after several minutes of silence, I put on my headphones and begin listening to a Psalm, a passage in the Gospels, or another Scripture while reading along in my Bible. I YouTube a worship song, usually one from our previous Sunday's worship service, then enter into a time of prayer in response to something that has resonated with me from that passage or song. I almost always follow this routine by jogging or swimming; after quiet contemplation, physical activity feels like an extension of my time with God."

I've used my phone for meditation now and then, but not as a rule. Just goes to show there's all kinds of ways/places/tools to try out. And ways to think about what will help us carry our light with us into our day.

There's something refreshing about how Shigematsu extends his time with God through exercise. There is no 'period' at the end of his mediation time. It's an ellipsis . . .

Isn't this how it should be? Feels like the foreshadowing of movement from this life into the next. Nothing final. Just a natural progression.

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