Although we may be practicing more than one discipline at a time, I will be focusing on one main discipline each month. In this new year, we'll begin with the discipline of meditation in January. Regardless of faith background, it's well documented that meditation is healthy - bonus!
As an inner discipline, meditation does require time set aside in a quiet space, away from distractions. For many people, early morning works best. The morning also allows us to focus on what's necessary at the beginning of the day, before we become involved in all the tasks at hand. Then we can hold our thoughts lightly throughout the day as we notice more related to our specific time spent in God's presence.
I've spent time in meditation several days this week (I'm not measuring - just going for improvement here, folks!). So often I've started out well, only to fail miserably - by my owns standards. Not going there this time. As I mentioned in my article (, it's not about earning, but yearning. That one's a hard concept for me to grasp.
I've been using Seeking God's Face: Praying with the Bible Though the Year by Phil Reinders ( It uses the practice of reading a short biblical passage, reading it again, and noticing what stands out. I find that reading it aloud slowly is most helpful. This is not about intellectual biblical study. It's about what the Spirit is bringing to your attention at that particular moment. Then, pondering the word or idea that resonates, being honest with God - asking questions, bringing concerns, feelings, and listening to the Spirit's nudging - and praying those back. This process takes time, an unhurried posture and stillness. In my experience, 20 minutes is not unreasonable, but do what feels right to you.
Reinders gives prayer suggestions and provides a closing prayer and blessing; a beautiful way to move from your carved out meditation time into the rest of your day.
Most of my mediation times this week were quite ordinary. I expect that. Still, there are insights to ponder, to question, to observe. Today went a bit deeper. A deeper yearning opened up within me (you can just never predict when that's going to happen) as I read not only the passage, but Reinders' introduction to the season of Epiphany. Jesus, the Light of the world - I was struck on so many levels by that image! I will wait to see what comes of my prayer; perhaps I will have something to share later (beginning to feel a wee bit vulnerable...)
For me, journaling is a way of bringing hidden stirrings to the surface, like cream on fresh milk. I am often surprised by what comes out when my pen meets paper. Makes the process interesting and exciting!
How's it going for you?
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