Thursday, January 12, 2017


I woke in the wee hours of the morning finding myself meditating on meditation.

What is so beautiful about the text of scripture - the Bible - is its depth and richness that seems infinite. (And of course, it is...the Word, Jesus, God's revelation to us, lives forever. He is the embodiment of the scriptures, the God-inspired written word.)

I love the lyrics of this Steve Green song:

The Word is living 
The Word is light 
The Word delights my soul, preserves my life. 
Holy and hidden, forever true 
The perfect sacrifice - our Lord...Jesus Christ.

Often when I'm meditating on a few familiar verses, something new comes to light. Something that's never 'hit me' before. It's enlivening to be surprised by new insights, by the never-ending richness of this God-breathed text. This must be how the writer of Psalm 119 felt - he certainly waxed long about his love for God's law!

Scripture is a rich multi-faceted prism - a diamond refracting the light through its many angles, sending out bright particles that catch the eye differently from various angles. There's always a new colour - a new angle to observe, to admire, to appraise. The text has power; to bring wisdom, to train us, to teach us, to correct us, to inspire us, to comfort us, to bring life and hope.

But enough on the thought of meditating...time to sit quietly in His presence. Hope you're finding joy in your journey as well.

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