Even though I consider myself a growing Christian, I have struggled with discipline in many areas of life. Or maybe not so much with discipline itself, but the practice of discipline. As a young music student, the requirement to play from written notes frustrated me. I didn't learn to swim until I could venture off to an area on my own and practice away from the watchful eyes of my instructor. And those old 'paint by number' kits? Mine never turned out like they were supposed to. Studying didn't come easy either. I'm a great starter...but finisher? That's another story.
Probably the greatest frustration of my scattered character is feeling like I'm never really 'cutting it' in terms of my spiritual habits. When I talk to people who get up every single morning to spend time reading scripture and praying, I admit, I'm still pretty far away from that goalpost. So, when I was asked to write some articles on the Spiritual Disciplines, I thought that starting a blog - on which I'd write a few times a week - might help me do my homework and maybe develop some sustainable habits.
I hope you'll join me on this journey of the Spiritual Disciplines for 2017, perhaps beyond. I hope you will share your thoughts on what's written here so that this community will be strengthened and encouraged - and learn from each other.
Welcome. . . and thanks for joining!